Bid Tabs & Responses
Bid Tab / Response Search
The information contained in the bid tabulation/response is for information purposes only and does not
constitute actual award or execution of a contract. Bid Tabs/Responses are displayed with Closing Dates of
June 19, 2006 or later.
City of Austin Bid Tabulations / Responses
Note: The information listed below are the 200 most recent Bid Tabulations and Responses, sorted by Closing Date of the solicitation. Use the search fields above to refine your search results.
Solicitation Number / Description / Bid Document Type | Due Date | Link |
Pencil Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1025
Garden Villa Lane Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Garden Villa Lane from Barton Skyway to Cardinal Lane, Garden Villa Court, Cardinal Ln from 5th St to Locke Ln, part of 5th St., and part of Locke Ln. Replacing approximately 1850 LF of 6-inch Cast iron pipe (CI) & 350 LF of 12-inch CI of existing water line and 2,400 LF of existing 8-inch Concrete wastewater line. All new lines to be 8-inch and extend all services. Replacing approximately 1,900 LF of storm drain pipe. |
02/06/2025 | Download |
Pencil Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC743A
E. Allandale White Rock Neighbrhd W&WW System Renewal Rebid Water and wastewater system upgrades in the area generally bound by MoPac (Loop 1) on the west, Greenlawn on the north, Burnet Road on the east, and Allandale on the south. The system upgrades will replace aging infrastructure. The water system replacements will include approximately 620 LF of 12- inch water Line, 120 LF of 12-inch water Line attached to bridge, 5,600 LF of 8-inch water line, and Line, and360 LF of 16-inch casing installed by bore, all with appurtenances in Polygon 225, Sub-area A. The wastewater upgrades include replacement of 1,700 LF of pipe, CIPP lining of 1400 LF, and 29 additional manholes. |
02/06/2025 | Download |
Pencil Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC930
Slaughter Lane- Loop 1 to Brodie Lane- CAMPO The Work consists of expansion of an existing 4-lane divided roadway to 6-lane divided from Mopac to Brodie Lane; Drainage improvements including storm water detention and water quality structures; shared-use paths, intersection improvements at Brodie Lane, technology upgrades to existing signals. Project Segment: SLGT-C2 |
02/06/2025 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 2200 BYS1041
Vegetation Management for Wildland Fire Fuel Mitigation To provide vegetation cutting and removal services at various locations of Austin Water Wildland Conservation Division properties, Parks and Recreation Department land, and other City properties. |
01/30/2025 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1063
Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Concrete Construction Scope of work includes (all-inclusive contract with concrete, markings, signage, but serving specific types of small scale work, as listed below) to serve the various programmatic needs for construction of: Signal Systemic Safety treatments such backplates, pedestrian hybrid beacons, upgrade push buttons with audio pedestrian signs (APS) and associated ADA curb ramp, sidewalk and shared used paths, crossing islands + signage + markings, + ADA ramps + markings, miscellaneous concrete work such as signal pedestrian foundations (to support RRFB type crossings), ADA ramps, miscellaneous sidewalk panels, signal related work, lighting. |
01/30/2025 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 7800 BYS1040
Dodge and Ram Vehicle Parts & Repair Services To provide Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts and repair services for Dodge and Ram vehicles on an as-needed basis. |
01/28/2025 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 1100 DCM1070
OSHA Electrical Transmission and Distribution Training Provide certified electric utility instructors for Occupational Safety and Health Administration Electrical Transmission and Distribution Training. |
01/23/2025 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1067
Safe Streets And Roads For All (Ss4a) Construction IDIQ Scope of work includes (all-inclusive contract with concrete, markings, signage, but serving specific types of small scale work, as listed below) to serve the various programmatic needs for construction of: Signal Systemic Safety treatments such backplates, pedestrian hybrid beacons, upgrade push buttons with audio pedestrian signs (APS) and associated ADA curb ramp, sidewalk and shared used paths, crossing islands + signage + markings, + ADA ramps + markings, miscellaneous concrete work such as signal pedestrian foundations (to support RRFB type crossings), ADA ramps, miscellaneous sidewalk panels, signal related work, lighting. |
01/23/2025 | Download |
Bid Tabulations | 01/23/2025 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1094
Sinclair Ave Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Replacement of approximately 900 LF of water and 900 LF of wastewater pipelines including associated appurtenances on Sinclair Avenue between 42nd Street and 44th streets. The existing 6" concrete wastewater lines will be upgraded to the current city minimum standard of 8" diameter. The existing 6" CI water pipeline is proposed to be replaced and upgraded to a 8" PVC pipe. |
01/23/2025 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 8100 SSC1025
Variable Frequency Drives- Equip, Maint. & Repair Services Preventative Maintenance & Repair Services for Variable Frequency Drives (VFD's) |
01/21/2025 | Download |
Bid Tab Certified - Prices Hidden
IFB 6100 CLMC1074
MLK/Heflin/Springdale Intersection Improvements High crash intersection improvements that include bicycle and pedestrian upgrades, raised concrete medians, transit enhancements, smart right turn, access management, and signal upgrades. |
01/16/2025 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1068
2020 Bond Substandard Streets Ross Road North Design and construction of Ross Road North between State Highway (SH) 71 and Pearce Lane. Possible improvements: 1) Roadway: Widening of Ross Road North to include two lanes per direction; addition of left turn pockets at key intersections; addition of curb and gutter to prevent roadside shoulder erosion; drainage to avert runoff and reduce or eliminate ponding. 2) Bicycle and Pedestrian: Construction of sidewalks and shared use paths; addition of buffered bicycle lanes; construction of median refuge areas to provide protected midpoint crossing intersections for pedestrians. 3) Safety: Addition of traffic signals; revision of pavement markings; addition of continuous roadway lighting. 4) Drainage: A closed storm drain system to allow the project to be built within the existing right-of-way while accommodating the wider pavement section and shared use paths; prepare a floodplain study. 5) Subsurface utility engineering survey to locate the existing Austin Water utilities in an effort to eliminate conflicts with the proposed storm drain system. |
01/09/2025 | Download |
Pencil Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1085
Ullrich WTP Locker Room Renovations, Door and Window Renewal Replace 101 thermal exterior windows in the administration building and filter galleries located on the first floor, second floor, and third floor. Replace 62 interior and exterior doors in the administration building and filter building. Door types ranging from double doors to single doors and rolling steel doors. Expand and renovate the administration building first floor women’s restroom/locker room. The expansion will move into the adjacent electrical room. This expansion will include demolition of a high voltage switch including the reconnection of incoming power. Renovate the administration building first floor kitchen. |
01/09/2025 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
Mobile MV Switchgear Breaker This purchase is for a custom Mobile MV Switchgear Breaker to be used at AW plants to power large pump stations from emergency generators. |
12/19/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1078
Boggy Creek Lift Station Force Main Extension Installation of approximately 9,400 LF of 36-inch diameter HDPE wastewater forcemain downstream of the Boggy Creek Lift Station, east of Hwy 183 near Linger Lane, Hergotz Lane, Thompson Lane, and Patton Lane. This project replaces a portion of the existing forcemain and extends it to a new discharge location on the Govalle tunnel. Includes 1,600 LF of horizontal directional drilling installation under the Colorado River, a vortex dropshaft, connection to an existing tunnel shaft, and cleaning of the wetwell at Boggy Creek Lift Station. |
12/19/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 7800 RBB1006
TOMAR BRAND LIGHTBARS & ACCESSORIES The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) who is a seller or authorized reseller of Tomar brand lightbars and accessories. |
12/19/2024 | Download |
Cancellation Addendum
IFB 8600 ACA1006
Softball Umpire Services Umpires for the Athletics Adult Softball Leagues and Events in various locations. Provide qualified umpires to officiate league games, tournaments, and sporting events scheduled by City of Austin Athletics Office. League games occur year round across |
12/19/2024 | Download |
Pencil Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1082
Davis WTP Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) I Replacement of existing Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) systems with proposed PLC systems throughout the Davis WTP, installation of fiber optic cable, and installation of electrical conduit and wire. |
12/19/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1073
AUS Asphalt Parking Lot/ Roads Construction, Rehabilitation and Repair IDIQ The contract entails repairing, constructing, modifying, and rehabilitating existing parking lots and roads. This encompasses subgrade repair, curb repair, seal coats, striping, electrical trenching, installation of light poles, fencing, stormwater mitigation, drainage maintenance, and signage. |
12/19/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 7800 TJP1011
Fire Apparatus Pump Testing & Certification Annual Fire Apparatus Pump Testing & Certification |
12/17/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 8700 AAM1010
Rifle Equipment for APD - SWAT The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to procure Rifle Equipment to be used by the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Unit of the Austin Police Department. |
12/17/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 1100 CPG1001
RECLOSERS, ELECTRIC UTILITY The City of Austin, dba Austin Energy, seeks a Contractor to supply electronic distribution circuit reclosers. |
12/10/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 5300 ACA1005
Texas Plumbing Inspector Training This contract aims to enable DSD to annually host necessary certification/license courses and educational training sessions. These sessions qualify as Continuing Professional Education (CPE) for licensed Plumbing Inspectors within the department. |
12/10/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 6200 MRO1001
Vehicle Inspection/Testing for Ground Transportation Parking Enterprise - Mobility Services - vehicle testing and services fees for Ground Transportation. |
12/03/2024 | Download |
Cancellation Addendum No. 1
IFB 6200 DCG1017
Roll-Up Signs: Construction The City of Austin seeks a contract for the purchase of roll-up traffic signs, stands, and accessories such as barricades, in various sizes and types to be used by multiple City departments. |
11/21/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 1100 DPL1006
Austin Energy Off Site Storage Austin Energy seeks facilities with readily available secure and environmentally optimized storage units for an initial term of 36 months that may be extended beyond the initial term for up to two additional twelve 12-month periods. |
11/19/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 6200 KMF1030
Preformed Thermoplastic Street Legends Provide preformed thermoplastic street legends suitable for use as delineation, crosswalks, stop lines, legend, and/or symbol markings used on roadways, bike lanes, intersections, and parking lots. |
11/14/2024 | Download |
Addendum 6- Cancellation
IFB 1100 DPL1007
Moving services for industrial and warehouse material Qualified Contractor to provide relocation & moving services for industrial and warehouse material. |
11/14/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation & Bid Tabulation
IFB 8700 MLJ1025
Bicycle Repair and Maintenance Provide bicycle repair and maintenance services. These services include bicycle repairs, parts replacement, preventative maintenance, safety inspections, and related services. Services will be provided at various sites throughout the City of Austin. |
11/14/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1070
2025 Miscellaneous Streets Overlay IDIQ The Work generally consists of providing the following services, including but not limited to all necessary street preparation work as listed, including milling; crack sealing; tack coat; HMAC surface replacement areas and HMAC level up, followed by the installation of an asphalt overlay; lane and pavement markings and traffic control; and adjustment of manholes and water valve boxes. Project locations are throughout the City of Austin. |
11/07/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
HYDRAULIC HOSE & CYLINDER PARTS & REPAIR SERVICES Hydraulic Hose and Cylinder Parts and Repair Services |
11/05/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
Fire station kitchen supplies. The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor to provide kitchen equipment to fire stations throughout the City. |
11/05/2024 | Download |
Pencil Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1041
Walnut Creek - January Dr Flood Risk Reduction Project January Drive Storm drain project is intended to reduce the risk of flooding of buildings, yards, and streets through an upgraded storm drainage system that includes the construction of approximately 1,700 linear feet of upgraded storm drain pipe. |
10/31/2024 | Download |
Pencil Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1066
South Area Lift Station Improvements: Springfield Lift Stati Reference Section 01010 Summary of Work - The Work shall include furnishing all tools, labor, materials, equipment, and miscellaneous items necessary for the construction of approximately 3,340 linear feet of 36” wastewater interceptor, 910 linear feet of steel cased bore, connections to existing wastewater lines, manholes, demolition of pavement and curb-and-gutter, abandonment of existing water and wastewater lines, wastewater bypass pumping, erosion controls, traffic control, tree protection and all appurtenances. The project also includes the abandonment of the Springfield Lift Station after the new interceptor is placed into service. |
10/31/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1071
In Situ Wastewater Line Renewal Program IDIQ (2025 to 2027) This contract is for the rehabilitation using CIPP in pipelines where the condition merits rehabilitation. This contract will focus on existing pipelines that have been previously identified as candidates for CIPP and in a deteriorated condition requiring rehabilitation to maintain the integrity of the pipeline. |
10/31/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 7800 EAB1011
OEM Parts and Repair Services for Trailers The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to provide Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts and repair services for City-owned trailers on an as-needed basis: Mangum, Interstate, and Big-Tex. The intent of this contract is to provide parts and non-warranty repair services. |
10/29/2024 | Download |
Modified Award Recommendation and Bid Tabulation
Citywide Towing Services Towing of parked vehicles from the City of Austin work zones to a location designated by the City. |
10/29/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 5000 TJP1010
Sign Face Materials The contracts are for the purchase of sign face materials, also known as sheeting material, for the Transportation department. The sheeting material will be utilized by the sign maintenance program for the fabrication of traffic signs across the City |
10/29/2024 | Download |
Addendum 6 - Cancellation
IFB 7500 SAR1008
Switchboard Maintenance for CTECC bldg The City of Austin Building Services Department (BSD) seeks bids from firms and individuals with expertise in preventative and corrective maintenance for Square D brand switchgear. Term: 3 y + 2 @ 1y extensions |
10/24/2024 | Download |
Bid Tab
IFB 1500 AMA1099
Latex Paint Recycling The City of Austin seeks to establish a contract with qualified Contractor(s) to pick up, transport, sort, remanufacture, package, and resale latex paint. |
10/22/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 5000 ALD1011
Fire Extinguisher maintenance, repair, replace and recycle Fire Extinguisher repair, maintenance, replace, recycle - MA to replace existing MA 7500 NA200000048 |
10/22/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
NEW ANTIFREEZE DELIVERY AND PICK UP SERVICE The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor to provide New/Virgin Yellow Extended Life Organic Acid Technology (OAT) Antifreeze for City of Austin vehicles and equipment; pick up of used antifreeze for disposal |
10/22/2024 | Download |
IFB 6100 CLMC1065
Hyde Park (E 38th St/Grooms St/Avenue F) WW Pipeline Renewal Replacement of approximately 1750 LF of 8-inch WW Main and 46 LF of 6-inch services on several streets including East 38th St (Grooms to Tom Green), Grooms St. (E 35th to e 38th), Griffith St (E 37 to E 38th) and two alleys. This infrastructure has been identified through CCTV inspection and selected for replacement based upon the following factors: physical condition of main, number of sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs), estimated volume of wastewater discharged during the SSOs, and amount of inflow and infiltration. Inflow and infiltration are the estimated amount of groundwater or rainwater leaking into a wastewater main. |
10/17/2024 | Download |
Revised Bid Tabulation and Recommendation for Award Letter
IFB 5000 TJP1009
Pre-Fabricated and Blank Aluminum Signs To establish an MA for blank aluminum and prefabricated traffic signs. |
10/15/2024 | Download |
Bid Tab | 10/15/2024 | Download |
IFB 6100 CLMC1050
Hillspring and Scottsdale Water and Wastewater Pipeline Rene Replacement of approximately 828 LF of water and 855 LF of wastewater pipelines including associated appurtenances on Scottsdale Road and Hillspring Circle between Heflin Lane and E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. The existing 8-inch concrete wastewater lines will be replaced with 8-inch PVC. The existing 6-inch CI water pipeline is proposed to be replaced and upgraded to an 8-inch PVC pipe. The project includes upgrading existing storm sewer drainage pipes to mitigate localized flooding. |
10/10/2024 | Download |
CANCEL IFB | 10/03/2024 | Download |
Pencil or Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1055
Ivanhoe Trail Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal This project will replace approximately 4,500 linear feet of existing 6-inch AC water line with 8-inch PVC pipes in Ivanhoe Trail and Jubilee Trail on south of W Slaughter Ln. This project will replace aging and deteriorated water mains as part of the Renewing Austin Program. |
10/03/2024 | Download |
IFB 2200 RBB1005
Mobile MV Switchgear Breaker This purchase is for a custom Mobile MV Switchgear Breaker to be used at AW plants to power large pump stations from emergency generators. |
10/03/2024 | Download |
Bid Tab
IFB 6200 CSH1040
Metal Beam Guard Railing & Supplies Contract for metal beam guard fence/rail materials with various parts and accessoriesto be used by the Street & Bridge Operations of the Transportation & Public Works Department for new construction or replacement within the City of Austin limits. |
10/01/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1038
Street Lighting Const: Pearce Ln & Various City Intersection Street lighting improvements to upgrade dark environmental conditions to recommended street illumination standards on Pearce Lane from SH 130 to the City Limits. This project also includes illumination of up to 13 City intersections. Project includes installing new pole with new LED luminaires, adding new LED luminaires to existing transmission poles, and, replacing existing high sodium bulbs with LED bulbs |
09/26/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 7800 BYS1035
Decal Making Supplies Provide Gerber and 3M manufactured decal-making or removing supplies for City vehicles and equipment. Equivalent brands may be provided with written approval by an authorized City representative. |
09/19/2024 | Download |
Bid Tab
IFB 6100 CLMC1064
Givens District Park -- Recreation Center Renovation Replacement of flat membrane roof and four HVAC units, in addition to other items identified in the recently completed facility assessment. |
09/12/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
Tire Repair & Replacement Service The City of Austin, DBA, Austin Energy seeks a Contractor to provide tire repair and replacement service. |
09/12/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation and Bid Tab
IFB 8600 KMF1027
Turfgrass (Sod and Sprigs) Installation and Delivery The purpose of this solicitation is to supply and install dense and high-traffic tolerant turfgrass (sod and sprigs) at Golf Courses, Parks, Cemeteries, and other City locations. |
09/10/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation & Bid Tabulation
IFB 5000 MLJ1023
Kitchen Equipment Maintenance and Repair To provide kitchen equipment maintenance and repair for all City departments at various locations. |
09/05/2024 | Download |
Addendum 3
IFB 7800 ALD1010
NEW ANTIFREEZE DELIVERY AND PICK UP SERVICE The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor to provide New/Virgin Yellow Extended Life Organic Acid Technology (OAT) Antifreeze for City of Austin vehicles and equipment; pick up of used antifreeze for disposal |
09/05/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
PARD Natural Areas Vegetation Management The City of Austin seeks to establish a contract with a qualified vendor or vendors to provide vegetation management services at various locations of Parks and Recreation Department natural areas. |
08/27/2024 | Download |
Pencil or Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1058
SH71 @ US183 Interchange TXDOT Relocation AW & WW Transmissi The Work consists of furnishing all tools, labor, materials, equipment, and miscellaneous items necessary for the complete construction of approximately 2,709 linear feet of 24-inch water main and appurtenances and approximately 2,742 linear feet of 24-inch wastewater main and appurtenances. |
08/22/2024 | Download |
IFB 1500 RGW1023 - Addendum 2 - Cancellation
IFB 1500 RGW1023
Compost Processing Services The City of Austin seeks to establish a contract with qualified Contractor(s) to provide complete processing, sorting, and composting of organics, yard waste, food scraps, and food/oil-soiled compostable paper (“Compost Materials”), as well as marketing services to include detailed data reporting to support the City’s residential curbside compost materials collection services (“Services”). |
08/20/2024 | Download |
Addendum Cancellation
IFB 8300 CSH1035
Fire station kitchen supplies. The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor to provide kitchen equipment to fire stations throughout the City. |
08/20/2024 | Download |
IFB 8700 BPS1016 Recommendation for Award Letter
IFB 8700 BPS1016
GPS Tracking & Monitoring Services for Organized The purpose of this contract is to purchase Global Positioning System (GPS) Tracking devices, replacement devices, and monitoring services for the Austin Police Department. |
08/08/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 2200 RBB1004
Water Meters and Parts This contract is for various types of water meters and associated repair parts to be purchased and sold through Austin Water's Central Stores/Warehouse for use in making repairs and new construction installations. |
08/08/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 2200 BYS1031
Flexible Road Base The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to provide flexible base material. The flexible base shall be utilized to repair excavations on City streets and provide concrete slab foundations. |
07/30/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 8100 CWB1022
Shared Use Products and Services for AUS Shared Use Equipment, Equipment, Supplies, Parts & Services |
07/30/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 5000 CSH1034
MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF FITNESS EQUIPMENT Provide regularly scheduled maintenance and repairs of fitness equipment onsite at the various City of Austin buildings. |
07/29/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1053
IDIQ Stormwater Infrastructure Maintenance- Open Systems (2 Repair of storm drain outfall channels, construction within active stream channels, repair of stormwater ponds, construction of mechanically stabilized walls using natural limestone, dewatering and sediment removal within ponds, repair of outfall structures and outfall channels, relocation of fish as needed to complete work in active stream channels, decompaction and revegetation of disturbed areas with grasses. |
07/25/2024 | Download |
A | 07/25/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 2200 BYS1033
Liquid Polymer for Thickening and Dewatering Sludge Provide polymers used to thicken sludge prior to anaerobic digestion and to dewater anaerobically digested sludge at the City of Austin's (City) Hornsby Bend. |
07/25/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 8500 RBB1002
Security & fire alarm systems monitoring/maintenance/repair |
07/25/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1059
Colony Park Sustainable Community Infrastructure Work consists of approximately 535 LF of 70.0’ new road, 650 LF of 16” Dia. DI Class 250 waterline, 100 LF of 6” Dia. DI Class 350 of waterline, 520 LF of 18” Dia.SDR26 PVC wastewater line, 80 LF of 12” Dia. SDR26 PVC wastewater line,20 LF of 8” Dia. SDR26 PVC wastewater line, 650 LF of 18” Dia. Reinforced Concrete Pavement stormwater line, manholes, valves and all related appurtenances, sidewalks, curb & gutters, detention/retention pond, inlets as shown on the plan. Restoration of disturbed existing condition shall be accomplished as required by the plans and specifications. Jacking & boring and encasement pipe for water installation. |
07/25/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1048
Timber Creek Substation New substation to serve the Austin Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) expansion and neighboring developments. |
07/18/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 7800 CTE1000
Bulk Motor Fuels and Fuel-Related Products & Services 5 year contract for unleaded gasoline, ethanol fuels, diesel, biodiesel, renewable diesel, DEF, and special fuel-related services. |
07/18/2024 | Download |
Addendum 3 Cancellation
IFB 5000 TJP1008
Citywide Towing Services Towing of parked vehicles from the City of Austin work zones to a location designated by the City. |
07/16/2024 | Download |
Addedum 3 - Cancellation and Price Sheets
IFB 2200 KMF1025
Wildlands Rough Terrain Fencing Install and repair fencing on Wildland Conservation Lands to deter trespass and assist with protecting these lands. |
07/11/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1052
Gillis Street Water and Wastewater Pipelines Renewal This project includes the rehabilitation of approximately 1,400 LF of water lines and 1,425 LF Wastewater lines. |
07/11/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 6300 BYS1030
Imported Topsoil Obtain topsoil to mitigate the impacts of flooding and drought by leveraging the water retention capabilities of healthy soil. By promoting soil health initiatives, such as erosion control measures and the adoption of practices that enhance soil structure and infiltration rates, the department aims to reduce the risk of flooding by minimizing runoff and increasing water storage capacity within the soil profile. |
07/11/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1046
SAR Elevated Tank Rehab & Improvements - Package 2 The re-use water welded steel elevated storage tank at the South Austin Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant requires replacement of the wet interior and exterior coatings as well as overcoating the existing dry interior coating. Steel repairs must be completed prior to coating operations. The project also includes structural improvements, electrical improvements, instrumentation improvements, replacement of the cathodic protection system, a washout line, and safety improvements. |
07/11/2024 | Download |
Addendum 5 Cancellation | 07/09/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 2200 AAM1007
3M Scott Air-Pak X3 SCBA and Parts This purchase is for Air Cylinders and X Air-Pak, which are critical to Austin Water as they are the life-saving equipment that supplies oxygen to our water treatment staff inconfined spaces, chemical rooms, and emergencies. |
07/09/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 7800 SAR1005
Automotive Transmission Repair or Replacement The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor to provide repaired automotive transmissions and / or replacement of a remanufactured transmission for the City’s medium and light duty vehicles on an as-needed basis. Term: 3y + 2 @ 1yr |
07/09/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 2200 CSH1029
Backflow Preventers Austin Water would like to purchase 4 (four) Watts Series LF909-FS Reduced Pressure Zone Assemblies Kit 2 (two) 8-inch and 2 (two)10-inch fittings. There are 2 each Chlorine and 2 Lime Building Backflow Preventers. The total of 4 Backflows. |
07/02/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
Magnesium Hydroxide Slurry The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to provide bulk deliveries of magnesium hydroxide (“Magnesium Hydroxide Slurry”), a turnkey installation, and maintenance of equipment |
07/02/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 4600 KMF1024
Household Furniture and Appliances The purpose of this contract is for a single entity to provide high-quality furniture and household supplies for clients housed by Downtown Austin Community Court to promote stability in housing for people with a history of homelessness. |
07/02/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
Shared Use Baggage Scale Service, Repairs, Equipment & Parts This contract will allow for service, maintenance, repair, equipment, and replacement parts for our shared use scales. These scales require regular maintenance, repairs, and annual certifications to remain operational. |
06/27/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 5000 BYS1032
Trucking, Hauling and Disposal Services The purpose of this contract is to provide trucking and hauling of goods and delivery to job sites in the City of Austin, which comprise hauling and disposal of construction and excess materials as well as pickup and delivery of materials to job sites. |
06/27/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
Rigid Plastics Recycling Services The City of Austin (“City”) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) for pick up, transport, and recycling of mixed rigid plastics (“Plastics”). |
06/25/2024 | Download |
Addendum 2 Cancellation
HYDRAULIC HOSE & CYLINDER PARTS & REPAIR SERVICES Hydraulic Hose and Cylinder Parts and Repair Services including Mobil roadside repair |
06/25/2024 | Download |
Award Letter
IFB 1100 MMH1020
Crane Rental Services for Electric Utility Austin Energy, seeks a qualified and experienced firm to provide industrial crane services. Specific services include, but are not limited to, crane rental, crane delivery and pickup, crane operator services, and other services as required. |
06/13/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC934
West Bella Fortuna Phase 2A The Work consists of the extension of approximately 1300 LF of 24” ductile iron waterline and its appurtenances along Bella Fortuna Drive from the existing 24” waterline stub (currently under construction) at the south-west intersection of Bella Fortuna Drive and Comano Drive. Extension of Bella Fortuna Drive, a neighborhood collector roadway, approximately 1300 linear feet and with 64 feet right-of-way is also included in the work scope. |
06/13/2024 | Download |
Addendum #1-Cancellation
IFB 6200 CSH1032
Zicla Products Zicla products include innovative items such as modular urban furniture, eco-friendly benches, bike racks, and materials made from recycled plastic. These products are designed to improve public spaces while promoting sustainability and environmentally friendly practices. The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor to provide specific Zicla branded products. |
06/11/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1043
Four Points Duct Bank (WO-440397) The Work consists of approximately 5,280 LF of electrical duct bank, inclusive of a 230 LF Bore, four vista gear pads, manholes, and associated improvements including without limiting electric manholes. |
06/06/2024 | Download |
IFB 8500 MHR1007 - Addendum 2
IFB 8500 MHR1007
Furniture Upholstery Services The Austin Public Library Department seeks to establish a Contract with a qualified Contractor to provide upholstery services and associated maintenance for public use furniture. |
06/06/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1042
Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements Great Hills Lift St The Great Hills lift station is located in an environmentally sensitive region and has exceeded its expected useful life. Rehabilitation of one of the existing wet wells, as well as construction of a new wet well and mechanical and electrical equipment is necessary to keep the LS operating in good condition and to minimize ongoing maintenance costs. This project includes new submersible pumps, a new wet well, new valve vault, and electrical improvements, as well as improved site access. |
06/06/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1040
Bull Creek Old Lampasas #3 Dam Modernization The Work consists of grading and resurfacing the upstream and downstream embankment slopes of the dam, replace the existing principal spillway with a new 42” diameter reinforced concrete pipe and cradle, installation of a new intake structure and low flow riser upstream, raise the top of dam & auxiliary spillway elevation to meet City and state safety criteria, install a new auxiliary spillway, install new concrete headwall for the principal spillway & downstream armoring of the existing outlet channel, install a new permanent drive to allow for maintenance, and install a Flood Early Warning System. |
05/30/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1044
Barton Creek - Bank Erosion Restoration at 1732 Toomey Rd The Work consists of, but is not limited to, bank erosion repair and storm drain improvements associated with the installation of coir wrapped soil lifts, broken face limestone blocks, and vegetated soil-rock riprap to stabilize an approximately 700 ft stretch of the southern stream bank of Barton Creek near the confluence with the Colorado River. The Work also consists of grading upstream of and the replacement of the storm drain system uphill of the bank-stabilization reach. |
05/30/2024 | Download |
Addendum Cancellation
IFB 8100 CSH1028
Shared Use Baggage Scale Service, Repairs, Equipment & Parts This contract will allow for service, maintenance, repair, equipment, and replacement parts for our shared use scales. These scales require regular maintenance, repairs, and annual certifications to remain operational. |
05/28/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 2200 KMF1026
Laboratory Gases Purchase laboratory-grade gases for analytical methods approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for drinking water, wastewater, and soil matrices. |
05/23/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation and Bid Tabulations
IFB 5000 BYS1029
GEM SAND AND WASHED GRAVEL AGGREGATE Provide gem sand and washed gravel aggregate to be used for City of Austin projects at various locations and worksites to be delivered to City specified sites. |
05/23/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1037
Waller Creek Center Parking Garage Renewal Work consists of replacing the stairs and handrails in two existing stairwells in the Waller Center Parking Garage plus enclosing the stairwells on the top floor of the Parking Garage. The work also includes sustainability requirements as shown in the Division 1 Sections 01352 and/or 01505 and all other applicable specification sections. It is the intent of the Owner to work in partnership with the Contractor in implementing sustainable construction practices to the greatest extent possible. |
05/23/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1045
Little Bear Creek Recharge Enhancement Facility This project would divert a portion stormwater runoff from Little Bear Creek through a diversion channel into the quarry pit where the water would slowly recharge the Edwards Aquifer and help maintain flow at Barton Springs. |
05/23/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 1100 DCM1066
Calibration Gas Management Program Provide a Calibration Gas Management Program to support all Environmental Protection Agency Air Program and specialty gas requirements for Austin Energy. |
05/16/2024 | Download |
Pencil Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1034
Williamson Creek - Dick Nichols / Beckett Meadows Pond Rehab The Work shall include furnishing all tools, labor, materials, equipment, and miscellaneous items necessary for the complete rehabilitation of two existing water quality ponds, which includes regrading the existing pond, installing a pond liner, installing a small dewatering pump station and wet well and associated electrical work, and the installation of an above-ground diffuser to distribute treated water to a disposal field. |
05/16/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1019
Country Club Creek Trail - Elmont Dr to E Oltorf St Construct a 12ft wide urban trail along Country Club Creek West with streambank stabilization work coordinated with WPD to address erosion concerns. |
05/16/2024 | Download |
Pencil or Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1036
Burrell Drive Wastewater Improvements Project includes removal and replacement of deteriorated Burrell Drive wastewater (2,315 LF) and water (534 LF) segments. Rehabilitation/replacement of existing water mains and gravity wastewater mains in the Wooten Neighborhood of Austin, TX. Includes new and replacement of existing manholes and repaving of streets. Includes abandonment of existing waterlines and wastewater lines. |
05/16/2024 | Download |
Addendum 1 - Cancellation
IFB 7800 TJP1007
HYDRAULIC HOSE & CYLINDER PARTS & REPAIR SERVICES Hydraulic Hose and Cylinder Parts and Repair Services including Mobil roadside repair |
05/16/2024 | Download |
Pencil or Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1013
Street Lighting Construction: Bluff Spr, McNeil Dr Corridors Street lighting improvements to upgrade dark environmental conditions to recommended street illumination standards on Bluff Springs Road from William Cannon Drive to Slaughter Lane and McNeil Drive from US Hwy 183 to Parmer Lane. Project includes installing new poles with new LED luminaires, adding new LED luminaires to existing poles, and replacing existing high sodium bulbs with LED bulbs. |
05/16/2024 | Download |
Addendum 2 - Cancellation
IFB 2200 MZJ1024
FILTER SAND AND FILTER SUPPORT GRAVEL The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to provide and deliver filter media support gravel and filter sand. |
05/07/2024 | Download |
IFB 5000 BRS1076 - Award Recommendation Notification
IFB 5000 BRS1076
Citywide Armored Car Services The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract for professional Armored Car cash in transit services for multiple locations within the City of Austin. |
05/07/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
Reinforced Concrete Pipe, Culverts, and Components Purchase Class 3, 4, and 5 Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP), Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Conduit (Box Culverts), and Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections. |
05/07/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 7500 MZJ1025
Tree Lighting Installation, Maintenance and Repairs Install lights on city street trees |
05/07/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations | 05/02/2024 | Download |
Recommendation for Award and Bid Tab
IFB 2200 BYS1028
Pebble Quicklime and Tekkem Slaker Quicklime Provide Pebble Quicklime and Tekkem Slaker Quicklime (known as Calcium Oxide) delivered to Austin Water treatment Plants. |
05/02/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1026
Kellam Road Water Pipeline Renewal Rehabilitation of approximately 1,800 linear feet of existing 6 inch cast iron water line with 16-inch PVC pipes. The proposed project will replace aging infrastructure as part of the Renewing Austin Program. This project will replace approximately 1,800 linear feet north of Elroy to the point of beginning of completed Project W-2012-0785, which replaced the northern end of the water line. This project will replace aging and deteriorated water mains as part of the Renewing Austin Program. |
05/02/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 2200 MLJ1022
Sewer Pipe Smoke Testing |
04/30/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 6300 BYS1027
Reinforced Concrete Pipe for Projects Class 3, 4, and 5 Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP), Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Conduit (Box Culverts), and Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections. |
04/30/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation | 04/25/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations - Recommendation for Award
IFB 1100 DCM1065
04/25/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
Airfield Lighting, Signage, and Fixture Replacement Parts |
04/23/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 1500 ACA1001
Mobile Security Guard Services for the Central Business Dist Mobile Security Guard Services for the Central Business District |
04/18/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1011
Marshall Ranch Water Improvements Approximately 2,300 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron water main and appurtenances along Quaker Ridge Dr and Lost Creek Blvd and a 750,000 gallon elevated water reservoir within the proposed Marshall Ranch Subdivision. |
04/18/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 8700 BJT1045
APD Bicycle Repair and Maintenance The City of Austin seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Vendor to provide bicycle repair and maintenance services. These services include bicycle repairs, parts replacement, preventative maintenance, safety inspections, and related services |
04/18/2024 | Download |
Bid Tabulations
IFB 1100 BAS1002
Substation Structural Steel The City of Austin, d/b/a Austin Energy seeks to purchase substation structural steel and hardware for Austin Energy substations |
04/16/2024 | Download |
Pencil or Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC908
Johnny Morris/Hwy 290 Area Water Line Extensions The work consists of installing approximately 2910 LF of 24" DI water line, 690 LF of 16" DI water line, 115 LF of 36" jacked or bored steel encasement pipe, 100 LF of 24" jacked or bored steel encasement pipe, four 24" gate valves, three 16" gate valves, three CARV's, three fire hydrants and appurtenances. |
04/11/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 8200 TJP1006
New Solicitation to procure Indoor Air Quality Testing 8918 To replace existing contract MA 8200 NA1900000205 with Vision Building Energy Efficiency LLC prior to expiration on 8/18/2024. |
04/11/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 2200 TJP1005
Progressive Cavity Pump Parts and Accessories The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to provide repair parts for Robbins Myers Progressive Cavity Pump. |
04/11/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1016
Williamson Creek Phase 1: Brassiewood Dr and Creekwood Dr By The project is intended to alleviate the flooding of buildings, yards, and streets through an upgraded storm drainage system that includes the construction of upgraded storm drain pipe and new storm drain inlet. |
04/11/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1014
IDIQ Stormwater Infrastructure Improvements-Closed Syst 2023 The Work generally consists of providing the following services, including but not limited to installation and upgrade of storm drain pipes, culverts, inlets, junction boxes, storm drain outfalls, limited repair of stormwater pond embankments, limited construction of channel and bank stabilization measures, including traffic control, roadway repaving, sidewalk reconstruction, revegetation, utility relocation, etc. |
04/11/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
IFB 2200 CSH1026
Flow Injection analyzer (FIA) systems Flow Injection analyzer (FIA) systems with installation for Austin Water Laboratories |
04/09/2024 | Download |
Certified Bid Tabulations
IFB 6100 CLMC1015
Bull Creek Basin Wastewater Pipelines Renewal - CIPP Work consists of 13,600 LF of Cured-in-Place-Pipe (CIPP) divided into four (4) groups: Group 1. 5,040 LF of CIPP of 30” and 36” diameter pipeline adjacent to FM 2222 from River Place Boulevard to just south of Ribelin Ranch Road. (MH 135548 to MH 5789, Grids D-33 and E-33). Group 2. 4,320 LF of CIPP of 8”, 10”, and 12” diameter pipeline in an area south of N. Capital of Texas Highway near Mountain Ridge Drive and including Bluff Ridge Drive, Wildridge Drive, Wildridge Circle, Cliffwood Circle, Smooth Oak Drive and Greenridge Place (Grids H-32 and J-32). Group 3. 2,350 LF of CIPP of 8” diameter pipeline in the vicinity of Lea Cove, Rim Cove, and Parkview Circle (Grids G-31 and H-31). Group 6. 1,880 LF of CIPP of 8” and 15” diameter pipeline in the vicinity of Mountain Ridge Circle, and Alverstone Way (Grid H-32). |
04/04/2024 | Download |
Addendum No. 3
IFB 9100 MZJ1023
Gift Cards for APH Gift Cards for APH as an incentive for its program participants from Visa, MasterCard, Wal-Mart and HEB in denominations of $10, $25, $50 and $100 |
04/04/2024 | Download |
Solicitation Number / Description / Bid Document Type | Due Date | Link |
Cancellation Notice
RFP 8300 JOG3025
Consulting Services for Community Wildfire Protect Plan The City of Austin (City) seeks a qualified consultant with a demonstrated understanding of wildfire risk to update and expand the existing 2014 Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) for the City, Travis County and members of the Austin Travis County Wildfire Coalition (ATCWC). The updated CWPP will be a multi-jurisdictional plan that is scalable for use by local neighborhoods, cities and emergency service districts (ESD) in developing their own detailed CWPP's. |
12/17/2024 | Download |
Addendum 6-Cancellation
RFP 1100 WDD3033
Substation Switchgear, Indoor Arc-Resistant Austin Energy seeking to secure a multi-year Master Agreement between the City of Austin, DBA, Austin Energy and the Contractor for the purchase of Indoor, Arc-Resistant, Substation Switchgear to be used in Austin Energy Substations. |
12/17/2024 | Download |
Recommendation for Award
RFP 1100 DCM3032
Utility Cost Benefit Tool Provide City of Austin Electric Utility, dba Austin Energy a program planning, analysis, and reporting tool (Solution) to evaluate and analyze the cost effectiveness of current and proposed demand-side management measures. |
12/03/2024 | Download |
Addendum 4- Cancellation
RFP 1100 DPL3000
Austin Energy Facilities Master Plan Austin Energy seeks to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the current state of facilities and logistics related to these facilities. |
11/26/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
RFP 8100 SMW3025
Capital project auditing and project control services Capital project auditing and project control services in support of the AUS Capital Improvement Program (CIP), to include the AEDP. |
11/21/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation and Matrix
RFP 6200 BYS3040
Mowing/Maintenance of Medians, ROW, and Urban Trails Provide grounds maintenance services for selected medians, property lots or parcels, rights-of-way (ROWs), and urban trails within the City limits. |
11/19/2024 | Download |
RFP 6300 BRS3001 Award Recommendation
RFP 6300 BRS3001
Waller Creek Tunnel Dewatering, Sediment, & Debris Removal The City of Austin, Watershed Protection Department, herein referred to as the “City,” is seeking a qualified firm or agency, herein referred to as the “Contractor,” to provide dewatering, sediment, and debris removal from the Waller Creek Tunnel and Facilities (WCT), including the services for hauling, transporting, filtering, and disposing of the debris and sediment deposited in the WCT, all combined into a single integrated solution. |
11/19/2024 | Download |
Response List
RFP 1100 WDD3032 REBID
Electric Utility Depreciation Rate Study Electric Utility--Depreciation Rate Study |
11/14/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
RFP 2200 MLJ3005
Wastewater Flow Monitoring Monitor flows in the wastewater system and to provide the flow data to the City for Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) investigations, Capital Improvement Project (CIP) prioritization, and sewer system hydraulic model calibrations. The City will also use the data as a warning tool for identifying potential sanitary sewer overflows (SSO). |
10/31/2024 | Download |
RFQS 7400 BRS4003 Award Recommendation Notification
RFQS 7400 BRS4003
Financial Advisor Services The City of Austin (“City”) seeks to establish a Contract for financial advisor services to the City. |
10/31/2024 | Download |
Addendum 4 - RFP Cancellation
RFP 8200 KMF3040
Gift Baskets The purpose of this solicitation is to provide Gift Baskets for select Austin Convention Center Department (ACCD) clients on an as-needed basis. |
10/24/2024 | Download |
Cancellation | 10/10/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation and Matrix
RFP 5500 RJC3000
Small Business Training RFP for a contract with a training consultant to provide training on general business topics to small business owners and individuals starting a business. Contract will be 3 years at $120,000 per year, $360,000 total. |
10/01/2024 | Download |
RFQS 5000 BRS4002 - Award Recommendation
RFQS 5000 BRS4002
Language Interpretation Services The City seeks various qualified Contractors to provide language interpretation services for the City of Austin on an as-needed basis. |
09/19/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation and Matrix
RFP 5800 SLW3020
Outside Audit of Workers Comp TPA The contractor shall be a qualified workers’ compensation claims auditing firm to provide a comprehensive workers’ compensation claims management audit of its Third-Party Administrator and Utilization Review Agent. |
09/12/2024 | Download |
Response List
RFP 1100 MZJ3001
Emergency Catering Services This solicitation is to establish an Emergency Catering Services contract. It’s function is to provide meals for City emergency workers, the Emergency Operations Center, and evacuees from natural disasters and other emergency situations such as Winter Storm Mara or Hurricane Katrina. This is an emergency contract with no fixed budget. Contingency funds to be utilized. |
09/10/2024 | Download |
Recommendation for Award and Matrix Summary
RFP 8100 MPM3021
Onsite BHS Maintenance & Repair Support Services Baggage Handling System Operations and Maintenance Services for Aviation |
09/05/2024 | Download |
Recommendation for Award
Electric Meter Purchase and Associated Services Supply electric meters for use by Austin Energy throughout their service area. Other services include but are not limited to, training, technical support, and return authorization management. |
08/22/2024 | Download |
Recommendation for Award
RFP 1100 SMB3026
Vegetation Management, Energized Transmission Line Clearance Pruning, removal and suppression of vegetation growing near energized transmission lines within Austin Energy’s electrical facilities, utility easements and rights-of-way. |
08/22/2024 | Download |
RFP 9100 RGW3000 - Award Recommendation
RFP 9100 RGW3000
Austin Public Health Marketing Services The City of Austin (hereinafter referred to as the "City") seeks to establish a contract with qualified Contractor(s) to provide comprehensive advertising and marketing services for the Austin Public Health department. |
08/13/2024 | Download |
Addendum 5 - Cancel
RFP 1100 PAB3015
Electric Meter Purchase and Associated Services Supply electric meters for use by Austin Energy throughout their service area. Other services include but are not limited to, training, technical support, and return authorization management. |
07/30/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
RFP 8300 EAB3000
Bunker Gear Cleaning and Repair Services The City of Austin seeks qualified Contractors to provide maintenance and repair services of firefighter bunker gear (structural and proximity protective gear) for the Austin Fire Department. |
07/30/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation - RFQS 5000 JOG4006
RFQS 5000 JOG4006
Hearing Officer Services The Contractor(s) shall provide hearing officer services on an as needed basis for various City departments excluding Austin Energy (AE) and Austin Water (AW). The AE and AW department have a separate contract for services. Hearing officer services shall be based on applicable City ordinances, codes, regulations, department guidelines and relevant documented facts and include but are not limited to conducting administrative hearings and overseeing regularly scheduled appeal hearings; administering oaths; and rendering written rulings, orders, findings, and determinations in accordance with the protocols specified in the SOW. |
07/30/2024 | Download |
RFP 5500 AMA3014 REBID Award Recommendation
RFP 5500 AMA3014 REBID
Plaque fabrication and installation Establish a 3-year supply agreement for the fabrication and installation of up to 140 information plaques for the City's Art In Public Places collection. 50 existing pieces need plaques, and 90 new artworks will be commissioned over the next 3 years. |
06/27/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation and Matrix
RFP 5800 SLW3018
Stop Loss Coverage The Contractor shall provide City of Austin eligible covered persons with stop loss coverage. |
06/27/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation and Matrix
RFP 5800 SLW3019
Executive Relocation Services The Contractor shall provide relocation assistance for high-level corporate or governmental executive positions. |
06/27/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
RFP 1100 TLG3004
Project Management Training Contract to provide Professional Development Units (PDUs) for Project Management Professionals (PMP), including training and certifications. |
06/25/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
RFP 1100 DTB3025
High Volume Call Answering System High Call Volume Answering System that Austin Energy Customer Care utilizes during increased demand due to emergencies and outages. Maintaining service level goals and contributing to positive customer experience. |
06/20/2024 | Download |
RFP 5500 AMA3013 REBID Award Recommendation
RFP 5500 AMA3013 REBID
Artwork Survey and Conservation Report Hiring a consultant to assess, catalogue, and report on the repair and maintenance needs of the city's 400+ Art In Public Places collection. |
06/20/2024 | Download |
RFQS 5000 JOG4005 Award Recommendation
RFQS 5000 JOG4005
Psychological evaluation services The City of Austin seeks qualified Contractors, to provide pre-hire psychological and behavioral health evaluations and other related services as described herein for public safety cadets and emergency communication civilian applicants for the Austin Fire Department, Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Services, and Austin Police Department. |
06/11/2024 | Download |
Recommendation for Award
RFP 1100 SMB3025
Vegetation Management, Energized Distribution Line Clearance Pruning, trimming, repairing, maintaining, removing, clearing, cutting and/or otherwise managing trees, brush or other vegetation near energized distribution lines within Austin Energy’s electrical facilities, utility easements and rights-of-way. The work sites will be divided geographically into a Northern and Southern Zone. Mid-cycle work is interim maintenance work and will be performed in both Northern and Southern Zones. |
06/06/2024 | Download |
Addendum 2 - Cancellation
SIP Trunk Transition Services Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) based on Session Initiated Protocol (SIP) to provide telephone services and unified communications to Austin Energy |
06/06/2024 | Download |
Award Letter-Bid Tab
RFP 1100 EAL3020
Utility Wood Poles The City of Austin, dba Austin Energy, seeks one or more Contractors to supply utility wood poles to Austin Energy. |
06/04/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
RFP 1100 TLG3002
IBM Software Products & Services Comprehensive contract that encompasses Austin Energy’s IBM Software, Managed and Professional Services, and Portfolio Program Mgmt. |
06/04/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
RFP 5800 RBB3001
Criminal Background Investigation services 2-year contract for Comprehensive background screening services for employment with three 12-month extension renewal options |
05/30/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
RFP 8100 DJJ3005
Virtual Ramp Control System The City of Austin, Department of Aviation (Airport), seeks a qualified firm for the design, installation, implementation, and staffing of a Virtual Ramp Control system (VRC). This system is expected to include all necessary software, hardware, and supporting infrastructure to meet the functional and performance requirements outlined in this Technical Specification. |
05/30/2024 | Download |
RFQS 2200 RGW4000 - Award Recommendation
RFQS 2200 RGW4000
Special Access Cleaning, Televising Inspection, & Sewer Serv The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with qualified Contractors to provide cleaning, televising, and other sanitary sewer related services. |
05/23/2024 | Download |
Recommendation for Award and Matrix Summary
RFP 9200 MZJ3000-REBID
Pet Microchips, Scanners & Online Database |
05/21/2024 | Download |
RFQS 5000 4001 - Award Recommendation Notification
RFQS 5000 BRS4001
Medical & Health Performance Evaluation Program Services The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to provide a Medical and Health Performance Evaluation Program Services (MHEP) for City job applicants, and employees potentially exposed to levels of hazardous materials, respiratory contaminants, noise, or other occupational health-related conditions at or above the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) as set forth by the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). |
05/16/2024 | Download |
Addendum 4 Cancellation
RFQS 5000 SLW4000
Temporary Staffing Services The Contractor shall provide temporary staffing services on an as-needed basis. |
05/14/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation and Matrix
RFP 5800 SLW3017
Police Department Aviation insurance The Contract is for Aviation Insurance for Austin Police Department. The City is interested in reviewing insurance quotations and Offeror qualifications to obtain the most advantageous liability and physical damage Aviation Insurance coverage and provisions available in the insurance marketplace. |
05/14/2024 | Download |
Response List - Recommendation for Award
RFP 1100 DCM3029
MULTIFAMILY ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAM SUPPORT Provide Austin Energy a qualified energy program Contractor to implement, administer, and support a multifamily-focused energy efficiency program |
05/02/2024 | Download |
Recommendation Letter
RFP 1100 MEA3010
Design and Fabrication of Steel Transmission Poles The City of Austin’s electric utility dba Austin Energy requires a qualified Contractor(s) to supply custom-designed and custom-built tubular steel transmission poles. |
04/30/2024 | Download |
Response List - Recommendation for Award
Soil Remediation and Equipment and Surface Decontamination S Provide Soil Remediation and Equipment and Surface Decontamination Services, to include soil remediation and restoration services, but are not limited to, disposal of accumulated regulated waste, and equipment and equipment and surface decontamination services for hazardous and non-hazardous materials. |
04/25/2024 | Download |
Addendum 4 - Cancellation
RFP 1100 TLG3000
SIP Trunk Transition Services Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) based on Session Initiated Protocol (SIP) to provide telephone services and unified communications to Austin Energy |
04/23/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
RFP 1100 MLR3015
Quality Monitoring Services UCC & Austin 311 City of Austin dba Austin Energy seeks an experienced Contractor to monitor calls/transactions for two contact centers Utility Contact Center (UCC) and Austin 3-1-1; and score them according to each call center’s established quality standards |
04/18/2024 | Download |
Recommendation for Award
RFP 5800 JOG3020
Compensation Consulting Services The City of Austin seeks qualified Contractors with public sector experience and current public sector clients to provide consulting services for the City’s compensation program. |
04/16/2024 | Download |
Award Recommendation
RFP 5000 BDH3005
Managed Print Services Citywide managed printer services for devices and professional services. |
04/04/2024 | Download |
Response List - Recommendation for Award
RFP 1100 DCM3030
Online Ordering System for Arc-rated Clothing & Safety Shoes The purpose of this contract is to utilize a web-based ordering system to purchase Arc Rated-Flame Resistant clothing and repair services, safety-toe boots, Arc-Rated cold weather accessories, - and associated training and educational services for Austin Energy. |
04/02/2024 | Download |
Recommendation for Award and Matrix Summary
RFP 5000 BYS3033
UNIFORMS, INDUSTRIAL CLOTHING, SUPPLIES, AND SERVICE Provide uniforms, supplies, sewing, and alterations for various departments for City of Austin (COA) personnel. |
04/02/2024 | Download |
Response List
RFP 8700 BPS3010
Emergency Shelter and Booking System for Victim Services Emergency Shelter and Booking System for Victim Services; provide a one-stop web-based reservation platform and services to locate and reserve temporary lodging for clients |
04/02/2024 | Download |
Log of Offers
RFQS 6100 CLMA054
AEDP UICW Construction The UICW project involves the expansion or enhancement of existing and newly proposed utilities to meet the growing demands of the airport. The project encompasses utility systems including reclaimed water, storm drainage, water quality pond/deicing pond, detention pond, hydronic piping (chilled and hot water), AUS medium voltage electrical power distribution center, ductbank and electrical distribution system, redundant electrical duct banks, information technology/telecommunications duct banks, and other utility extensions that may be identified as the AEDP program progress and their seamless coordination with other AEDP facilities projects. |
03/29/2024 | Download |