Update to Offer Submission
All offers for City of Austin solicitations must be submitted electronically via eResponse.
List of Active Solicitations
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RFI 7400 DJJ6001
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The City of Austin Financial Service Department is seeking a Portfolio Management Software to reconcile investment calculations, test accuracy of all aspects of portfolio management system.
Due Date: 02/14/2025 at 5PM
Portfolio Management System
The City of Austin Financial Service Department is seeking a Portfolio Management Software to reconcile investment calculations, test accuracy of all aspects of portfolio management system.
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The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to provide a 2500/2800kVA constructed “rental style” multi-tap transformer to be used for connecting 480V generators to medium voltage switchgear.
Due Date: 02/18/2025 at 2PM
Multi-tap Transformer
The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to provide a 2500/2800kVA constructed “rental style” multi-tap transformer to be used for connecting 480V generators to medium voltage switchgear.
IFB 2200 MLJ1028
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The City of Austin seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to provide removal of accumulated scale from solids clarifier mechanism at the Ullrich and Handcox Water Treatment Plants. The work performed on a Clarifier shall include descaling by means of hydro blasting all mechanical components of a basin that are visibly scaled.
Due Date: 02/18/2025 at 2PM
Basin descaling and debris removal Services
The City of Austin seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to provide removal of accumulated scale from solids clarifier mechanism at the Ullrich and Handcox Water Treatment Plants. The work performed on a Clarifier shall include descaling by means of hydro blasting all mechanical components of a basin that are visibly scaled.
IFB 8700 AAM1011
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The purpose of this contract is for a one-time purchase of component parts, materials and related services for the complete assembly of 400 rifles for use by the Counter Assault Strike Team (CAST) and patrol officers of the Austin Police Department.
Due Date: 02/18/2025 at 2PM
Rifles for APD - Counter Assault Strike Team (CAST)
The purpose of this contract is for a one-time purchase of component parts, materials and related services for the complete assembly of 400 rifles for use by the Counter Assault Strike Team (CAST) and patrol officers of the Austin Police Department.
IFQ 1100 MLR1000
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Provide Credit Monitoring Services for customers if data beach has occurred
Due Date: 02/18/2025 at 2PM
Credit Monitoring Services
Provide Credit Monitoring Services for customers if data beach has occurred
RFP 5500 RJC3005
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To establish a contract with a selection of professionally trained and certified Conservator(s) (Contractors) who have proven experience in providing professional public art fabrication Conservation Review reports.
Due Date: 02/18/2025 at 2PM
Art In Public Places Artwork Conservancy Reports
To establish a contract with a selection of professionally trained and certified Conservator(s) (Contractors) who have proven experience in providing professional public art fabrication Conservation Review reports.
IFB 6100 CLMC1083
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The Work shall include furnishing all tools, labor, materials, equipment, and miscellaneous items necessary for the complete construction of Cured-in-Place-Pipe (CIPP) linings and manhole rehabilitations at 3 locations in North Austin. 3,775 LF of 8" CIPP lining, 657 LF 12" CIPP Lining, and 205 LVF (12 total Manholes) of Manhole Rehabilitation along W Anderson Ln between Shoal Creek Blvd and Burnet Rd. 2,042 LF 15” CIPP Lining, 492 LF 16” CIPP Lining, and 137 LVF (10 total Manholes) of Manhole Rehabilitation along Marlborough & Faylin Dr, 612 LF 15” CIPP Lining, 2,188 16” CIPP Lining, and 67 LVF (7 total Manholes) of Manhole Rehabilitation along Parkfield Dr between Mearns Meadow Blvd and Kramer Ln. Some planned excavations will occur along W Anderson Ln, but this area does not replace asbestos cement pipe.
Due Date: 02/20/2025 at 2PM
North Austin Cipp Wastewater Renewal
The Work shall include furnishing all tools, labor, materials, equipment, and miscellaneous items necessary for the complete construction of Cured-in-Place-Pipe (CIPP) linings and manhole rehabilitations at 3 locations in North Austin. 3,775 LF of 8" CIPP lining, 657 LF 12" CIPP Lining, and 205 LVF (12 total Manholes) of Manhole Rehabilitation along W Anderson Ln between Shoal Creek Blvd and Burnet Rd. 2,042 LF 15” CIPP Lining, 492 LF 16” CIPP Lining, and 137 LVF (10 total Manholes) of Manhole Rehabilitation along Marlborough & Faylin Dr, 612 LF 15” CIPP Lining, 2,188 16” CIPP Lining, and 67 LVF (7 total Manholes) of Manhole Rehabilitation along Parkfield Dr between Mearns Meadow Blvd and Kramer Ln. Some planned excavations will occur along W Anderson Ln, but this area does not replace asbestos cement pipe.
IFB 8100 SSC1026
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Grease, Grit, & Sediment Traps Maintenance & Repair Services
Due Date: 02/20/2025 at 2PM
Grease, Grit, & Sediment Traps Maint & Repair Services
Grease, Grit, & Sediment Traps Maintenance & Repair Services
IFQ 6200 AJC1006
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The purpose of this contract is to procure Premium Recycled Rubber Speed Bump Kits, for performing installation and maintenance projects, controlling traffic speed in designated areas throughout the city.
Due Date: 02/20/2025 at 5PM
Premium Recycled Rubber Speed Bump System
The purpose of this contract is to procure Premium Recycled Rubber Speed Bump Kits, for performing installation and maintenance projects, controlling traffic speed in designated areas throughout the city.
IFB 5000 JOG1040
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The Contractor shall provide confidential/secure shredding services for approximately 30 City departments with over 180 service locations.
Due Date: 02/25/2025 at 2PM
Citywide Shredding Services
The Contractor shall provide confidential/secure shredding services for approximately 30 City departments with over 180 service locations.
RFP 5000 GAZ3030
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Bluebeam Licenses
Due Date: 02/25/2025 at 2PM
Bluebeam Software Services and Support
Bluebeam Licenses
CSP 6100 CLMB343
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This project scope includes installation of approximately 8,500 LF of 72-inch water transmission main from the Austin Water – Jollyville Reservoir site to the existing downstream connection point, located in McNeil Drive near Parmer Lane. This water pipeline is necessary to eliminate the distribution constraint that exists between the Handcox Water Treatment Plant and Martin Hill Reservoir. This project is located within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, therefore, karst monitoring, reporting, and mitigation requirements are included in the Contract Documents.
Due Date: 02/27/2025 at 2PM
McNeil Drive Water Transmission Main
This project scope includes installation of approximately 8,500 LF of 72-inch water transmission main from the Austin Water – Jollyville Reservoir site to the existing downstream connection point, located in McNeil Drive near Parmer Lane. This water pipeline is necessary to eliminate the distribution constraint that exists between the Handcox Water Treatment Plant and Martin Hill Reservoir. This project is located within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, therefore, karst monitoring, reporting, and mitigation requirements are included in the Contract Documents.
IFB 1100 DCM1073
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Provide crane and heavy equipment operations training in additional to training specific to preparing individuals for the National Commission of the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) Certification.
Due Date: 02/27/2025 at 2PM
Crane & Heavy Equipment Operations Training
Provide crane and heavy equipment operations training in additional to training specific to preparing individuals for the National Commission of the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) Certification.
IFB 5000 ALD1014
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Uninterruptible Power Systems maintenance and repair contract to replace existing NA190000002
Due Date: 02/27/2025 at 2PM
Uninterruptible Power Systems Inspection, Maintenance, and R
Uninterruptible Power Systems maintenance and repair contract to replace existing NA190000002
IFB 6100 CLMC1098
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Approximately 2,400 feet of 16-inch water main along Old Lockhart Road, east of Ruby Hills Road
Due Date: 02/27/2025 at 2PM
Goodnight Ranch Ph 2 (Pt. 2) & Old Lockhart Apts Water Lines
Approximately 2,400 feet of 16-inch water main along Old Lockhart Road, east of Ruby Hills Road
IFB 6200 KMF1031
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The purpose of this contract is to purchase and have delivered trap rock types 5T and 6T. The Street and Bridge Operations of the Transportation and Public Works Department will primarily use the product for seal coat resurfacing applications throughout the City.
Due Date: 03/04/2025 at 2PM
Trap Rock Surface Aggregates
The purpose of this contract is to purchase and have delivered trap rock types 5T and 6T. The Street and Bridge Operations of the Transportation and Public Works Department will primarily use the product for seal coat resurfacing applications throughout the City.
RFP 8100 MRC3010
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AUS Environmental Affairs requests to contract with a company that is qualified to manage contaminated materials appropriately and per environmental regulations. Contaminated soil, groundwater, or other contaminated materials must be managed.
Due Date: 03/05/2025 at 2PM
Brownfields Remediation
AUS Environmental Affairs requests to contract with a company that is qualified to manage contaminated materials appropriately and per environmental regulations. Contaminated soil, groundwater, or other contaminated materials must be managed.
IFB 1100 DCM1072
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Provide Transmission & Distribution Technical Safety Training.
Due Date: 03/06/2025 at 2PM
Technical Safety Training
Provide Transmission & Distribution Technical Safety Training.
IFB 2200 BYS1043
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Provide Filter Anthracite to Austin Water's Water Treatment Plants.
Due Date: 03/06/2025 at 2PM
Filter Anthracite
Provide Filter Anthracite to Austin Water's Water Treatment Plants.
IFB 6100 CLMC1056
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The Work consists of an approximate 1400 linear foot horizontal directional bore under Lady Bird Lake for the installation of a 36 inch outside diameter high density polyethylene casing pipe with 12 – 3 inch HDPE carrier pipe, including 2 electrical manholes, electrical duct bank and other incidental construction. Electrical conductors will be provided and installed by Austin Energy.
Due Date: 03/06/2025 at 2PM
The Work consists of an approximate 1400 linear foot horizontal directional bore under Lady Bird Lake for the installation of a 36 inch outside diameter high density polyethylene casing pipe with 12 – 3 inch HDPE carrier pipe, including 2 electrical manholes, electrical duct bank and other incidental construction. Electrical conductors will be provided and installed by Austin Energy.
IFB 6100 CLMC1072
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Install new drainage for the site and replace all gravel drives with Asphalt.
Due Date: 03/06/2025 at 2PM
Mounted Patrol Site Improvements
Install new drainage for the site and replace all gravel drives with Asphalt.
IFB 6100 CLMC1081
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Remodel of 10th Floor Department of Operations Center (DOC) & Atrium on 1st + 2nd Floors @ Waller Creek Center
Due Date: 03/06/2025 at 2PM
Waller Creek Center 10th Floor & Atrium Renovations
Remodel of 10th Floor Department of Operations Center (DOC) & Atrium on 1st + 2nd Floors @ Waller Creek Center
IFB 7800 MLJ1029
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OEM Parts and Repair Services for Heavy Duty Truck Cab/Chassis on an as needed basis.
Due Date: 03/06/2025 at 2PM
OEM Parts and Repair Services for Heavy Duty Truck Cab/Chass
OEM Parts and Repair Services for Heavy Duty Truck Cab/Chassis on an as needed basis.
RFP 2200 KMF3045
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The purpose of this contract is to provide laboratory chemicals, supplies, equipment, instrumentation, and services through an online catalog and order management system for the Austin Water Department (AW).
Due Date: 03/06/2025 at 2PM
Lab Supplies and Lab Chemicals
The purpose of this contract is to provide laboratory chemicals, supplies, equipment, instrumentation, and services through an online catalog and order management system for the Austin Water Department (AW).
RFI 9000 HHD6005
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The City of Austin Forensic Science Department is seeking information regarding solutions to streamline the transfer and backup of data generated by instrument systems in the Toxicology and Seized Drug Labs.
Due Date: 03/07/2025 at 5PM
Transfer and backup system - Toxicology and Seized Drug Lab
The City of Austin Forensic Science Department is seeking information regarding solutions to streamline the transfer and backup of data generated by instrument systems in the Toxicology and Seized Drug Labs.
IFB 7800 TJP1015
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Fuel Island Parts, Repairs and Upgrades
Due Date: 03/11/2025 at 2PM
Fuel Island Parts, Repairs, and Upgrades
Fuel Island Parts, Repairs and Upgrades
RFP 5000 MAS3001
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This contract is for tree trimming and removal services for the City's urban forestry programs.
Due Date: 03/11/2025 at 2PM
Tree and Vegetation Management Services
This contract is for tree trimming and removal services for the City's urban forestry programs.
IFB 6100 CLMC1096
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This project is to retrofit a failing SCM that has good potential for an upgrade rather than restoring it to the original design. The intent is to "dig once" and maximize the functionality of existing infrastructure for watershed benefit. The ponds identified for this project are located along the northbound service road of Mopac between Steck and W. Anderson Lane.
Due Date: 03/13/2025 at 2PM
Shoal Creek - MoPac/Steck Water Quality Ponds Retrofit
This project is to retrofit a failing SCM that has good potential for an upgrade rather than restoring it to the original design. The intent is to "dig once" and maximize the functionality of existing infrastructure for watershed benefit. The ponds identified for this project are located along the northbound service road of Mopac between Steck and W. Anderson Lane.
Important Notices
The No Lobbying List contains solicitations issued by Central Procurement and all other delegated authorities. | |
All Vendors must now register with the City of Austin before they submit a bid or proposal. Please take the time to read the information in the Conflict of Interest Disclosure: | |
City of Austin employees may not accept any gifts from vendors. Please do not offer or provide gifts or favors to City employees or to City offices. This includes paying for meals. | |