Update to Offer Submission
All offers for City of Austin solicitations must be submitted electronically via eResponse.
IFB 1100 CPG1001
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The City of Austin, dba Austin Energy, seeks a Contractor to supply electronic distribution circuit reclosers.
Due Date: 12/10/2024 at 2PM
The City of Austin, dba Austin Energy, seeks a Contractor to supply electronic distribution circuit reclosers.
IFB 5300 ACA1005
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This contract aims to enable DSD to annually host necessary certification/license courses and educational training sessions. These sessions qualify as Continuing Professional Education (CPE) for licensed Plumbing Inspectors within the department.
Due Date: 12/10/2024 at 2PM
Texas Plumbing Inspector Training
This contract aims to enable DSD to annually host necessary certification/license courses and educational training sessions. These sessions qualify as Continuing Professional Education (CPE) for licensed Plumbing Inspectors within the department.
IFB 7800 TJP1011
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Annual Fire Apparatus Pump Testing & Certification
Due Date: 12/10/2024 at 2PM
Fire Apparatus Pump Testing & Certification
Annual Fire Apparatus Pump Testing & Certification
IFQ 6300 CV1002
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2- 20' Standard new custom containers with solar vents. Containers needed for Storage of equipment and tools.
Due Date: 12/11/2024 at 12PM
PrFY2025-2001870 Storage Containers for Equipment
2- 20' Standard new custom containers with solar vents. Containers needed for Storage of equipment and tools.
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This purchase is for a custom Mobile MV Switchgear Breaker to be used at AW plants to power large pump stations from emergency generators.
Due Date: 12/12/2024 at 2PM
Mobile MV Switchgear Breaker
This purchase is for a custom Mobile MV Switchgear Breaker to be used at AW plants to power large pump stations from emergency generators.
IFB 6100 CLMC1056
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The Work consists of an approximate 1400 linear foot horizontal directional bore under Lady Bird Lake for the installation of a 36 inch outside diameter high density polyethylene casing pipe with 12 – 3 inch HDPE carrier pipe, including 2 electrical manholes, electrical duct bank and other incidental construction. Electrical conductors will be provided and installed by Austin Energy.
Due Date: 12/12/2024 at 2PM
The Work consists of an approximate 1400 linear foot horizontal directional bore under Lady Bird Lake for the installation of a 36 inch outside diameter high density polyethylene casing pipe with 12 – 3 inch HDPE carrier pipe, including 2 electrical manholes, electrical duct bank and other incidental construction. Electrical conductors will be provided and installed by Austin Energy.
IFB 6100 CLMC1078
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Installation of approximately 9,400 LF of 36-inch diameter HDPE wastewater forcemain downstream of the Boggy Creek Lift Station, east of Hwy 183 near Linger Lane, Hergotz Lane, Thompson Lane, and Patton Lane. This project replaces a portion of the existing forcemain and extends it to a new discharge location on the Govalle tunnel. Includes 1,600 LF of horizontal directional drilling installation under the Colorado River, a vortex dropshaft, connection to an existing tunnel shaft, and cleaning of the wetwell at Boggy Creek Lift Station.
Due Date: 12/12/2024 at 2PM
Boggy Creek Lift Station Force Main Extension
Installation of approximately 9,400 LF of 36-inch diameter HDPE wastewater forcemain downstream of the Boggy Creek Lift Station, east of Hwy 183 near Linger Lane, Hergotz Lane, Thompson Lane, and Patton Lane. This project replaces a portion of the existing forcemain and extends it to a new discharge location on the Govalle tunnel. Includes 1,600 LF of horizontal directional drilling installation under the Colorado River, a vortex dropshaft, connection to an existing tunnel shaft, and cleaning of the wetwell at Boggy Creek Lift Station.
IFB 7800 RBB1006
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The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) who is a seller or authorized reseller of Tomar brand lightbars and accessories.
Due Date: 12/12/2024 at 2PM
The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) who is a seller or authorized reseller of Tomar brand lightbars and accessories.
IFB 8600 ACA1006
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Umpires for the Athletics Adult Softball Leagues and Events in various locations. Provide qualified umpires to officiate league games, tournaments, and sporting events scheduled by City of Austin Athletics Office. League games occur year round across
Due Date: 12/16/2024 at 2PM
Softball Umpire Services
Umpires for the Athletics Adult Softball Leagues and Events in various locations. Provide qualified umpires to officiate league games, tournaments, and sporting events scheduled by City of Austin Athletics Office. League games occur year round across
IFB 1100 DPL1008
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Purchase of fencing & fencing related products & services to include installation of new fencing, repair services, and custom projects for substations and facilities.
Due Date: 12/17/2024 at 2PM
Security Fencing Services
Purchase of fencing & fencing related products & services to include installation of new fencing, repair services, and custom projects for substations and facilities.
IFB 8700 AAM1010
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The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to procure Rifle Equipment to be used by the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Unit of the Austin Police Department.
Due Date: 12/17/2024 at 2PM
Rifle Equipment for APD - SWAT
The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to procure Rifle Equipment to be used by the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Unit of the Austin Police Department.
RFP 1100 WDD3033
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Austin Energy seeking to secure a multi-year Master Agreement between the City of Austin, DBA, Austin Energy and the Contractor for the purchase of Indoor, Arc-Resistant, Substation Switchgear to be used in Austin Energy Substations.
Due Date: 12/17/2024 at 2PM
Substation Switchgear, Indoor Arc-Resistant
Austin Energy seeking to secure a multi-year Master Agreement between the City of Austin, DBA, Austin Energy and the Contractor for the purchase of Indoor, Arc-Resistant, Substation Switchgear to be used in Austin Energy Substations.
RFP 8300 JOG3025
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The City of Austin (City) seeks a qualified consultant with a demonstrated understanding of wildfire risk to update and expand the existing 2014 Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) for the City, Travis County and members of the Austin Travis County Wildfire Coalition (ATCWC). The updated CWPP will be a multi-jurisdictional plan that is scalable for use by local neighborhoods, cities and emergency service districts (ESD) in developing their own detailed CWPP's.
Due Date: 12/17/2024 at 2PM
Consulting Services for Community Wildfire Protect Plan
The City of Austin (City) seeks a qualified consultant with a demonstrated understanding of wildfire risk to update and expand the existing 2014 Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) for the City, Travis County and members of the Austin Travis County Wildfire Coalition (ATCWC). The updated CWPP will be a multi-jurisdictional plan that is scalable for use by local neighborhoods, cities and emergency service districts (ESD) in developing their own detailed CWPP's.
IFB 4400 NSB1000
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Ambulance transport services for the City of Austin.
Due Date: 12/19/2024 at 2PM
Non-Emergency Ambulance Transport Services
Ambulance transport services for the City of Austin.
IFB 6100 CLMC1068
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Design and construction of Ross Road North between State Highway (SH) 71 and Pearce Lane. Possible improvements: 1) Roadway: Widening of Ross Road North to include two lanes per direction; addition of left turn pockets at key intersections; addition of curb and gutter to prevent roadside shoulder erosion; drainage to avert runoff and reduce or eliminate ponding. 2) Bicycle and Pedestrian: Construction of sidewalks and shared use paths; addition of buffered bicycle lanes; construction of median refuge areas to provide protected midpoint crossing intersections for pedestrians. 3) Safety: Addition of traffic signals; revision of pavement markings; addition of continuous roadway lighting. 4) Drainage: A closed storm drain system to allow the project to be built within the existing right-of-way while accommodating the wider pavement section and shared use paths; prepare a floodplain study. 5) Subsurface utility engineering survey to locate the existing Austin Water utilities in an effort to eliminate conflicts with the proposed storm drain system.
Due Date: 12/19/2024 at 2PM
2020 Bond Substandard Streets Ross Road North
Design and construction of Ross Road North between State Highway (SH) 71 and Pearce Lane. Possible improvements: 1) Roadway: Widening of Ross Road North to include two lanes per direction; addition of left turn pockets at key intersections; addition of curb and gutter to prevent roadside shoulder erosion; drainage to avert runoff and reduce or eliminate ponding. 2) Bicycle and Pedestrian: Construction of sidewalks and shared use paths; addition of buffered bicycle lanes; construction of median refuge areas to provide protected midpoint crossing intersections for pedestrians. 3) Safety: Addition of traffic signals; revision of pavement markings; addition of continuous roadway lighting. 4) Drainage: A closed storm drain system to allow the project to be built within the existing right-of-way while accommodating the wider pavement section and shared use paths; prepare a floodplain study. 5) Subsurface utility engineering survey to locate the existing Austin Water utilities in an effort to eliminate conflicts with the proposed storm drain system.
IFB 6100 CLMC1073
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The contract entails repairing, constructing, modifying, and rehabilitating existing parking lots and roads. This encompasses subgrade repair, curb repair, seal coats, striping, electrical trenching, installation of light poles, fencing, stormwater mitigation, drainage maintenance, and signage.
Due Date: 12/19/2024 at 2PM
AUS Asphalt Parking Lot/ Roads Construction, Rehabilitation and Repair IDIQ
The contract entails repairing, constructing, modifying, and rehabilitating existing parking lots and roads. This encompasses subgrade repair, curb repair, seal coats, striping, electrical trenching, installation of light poles, fencing, stormwater mitigation, drainage maintenance, and signage.
IFB 6100 CLMC1082
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Replacement of existing Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) systems with proposed PLC systems throughout the Davis WTP, installation of fiber optic cable, and installation of electrical conduit and wire.
Due Date: 12/19/2024 at 2PM
Davis WTP Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) I
Replacement of existing Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) systems with proposed PLC systems throughout the Davis WTP, installation of fiber optic cable, and installation of electrical conduit and wire.
IFB 6100 CLMC1085
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Replace 101 thermal exterior windows in the administration building and filter galleries located on the first floor, second floor, and third floor. Replace 62 interior and exterior doors in the administration building and filter building. Door types ranging from double doors to single doors and rolling steel doors. Expand and renovate the administration building first floor women’s restroom/locker room. The expansion will move into the adjacent electrical room. This expansion will include demolition of a high voltage switch including the reconnection of incoming power. Renovate the administration building first floor kitchen.
Due Date: 12/19/2024 at 2PM
Ullrich WTP Locker Room Renovations, Door and Window Renewal
Replace 101 thermal exterior windows in the administration building and filter galleries located on the first floor, second floor, and third floor. Replace 62 interior and exterior doors in the administration building and filter building. Door types ranging from double doors to single doors and rolling steel doors. Expand and renovate the administration building first floor women’s restroom/locker room. The expansion will move into the adjacent electrical room. This expansion will include demolition of a high voltage switch including the reconnection of incoming power. Renovate the administration building first floor kitchen.
RFP 8100 SMW3031
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The City of Austin is seeking contractors who can support, coordinate, and provide program management expertise for a once-in-a-generation airport expansion program at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. The contractors will provide timely expert program, project, and construction management capabilities and personnel to augment Department of Aviation Staff. Contractors can propose on any or all of the titled staff needed.
Due Date: 12/19/2024 at 2PM
Capital Improvement Program Management Services
The City of Austin is seeking contractors who can support, coordinate, and provide program management expertise for a once-in-a-generation airport expansion program at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. The contractors will provide timely expert program, project, and construction management capabilities and personnel to augment Department of Aviation Staff. Contractors can propose on any or all of the titled staff needed.
RFP 1100 MMH3031
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To provide Software-as-a-Service system to calculate and generate billing invoices for AE’s District Energy & Cooling customers.
Due Date: 01/06/2025 at 2PM
District Energy and Cooling Billing Solution
To provide Software-as-a-Service system to calculate and generate billing invoices for AE’s District Energy & Cooling customers.
IFB 6100 CLMC1063
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Scope of work includes (all-inclusive contract with concrete, markings, signage, but serving specific types of small scale work, as listed below) to serve the various programmatic needs for construction of: Signal Systemic Safety treatments such backplates, pedestrian hybrid beacons, upgrade push buttons with audio pedestrian signs (APS) and associated ADA curb ramp, sidewalk and shared used paths, crossing islands + signage + markings, + ADA ramps + markings, miscellaneous concrete work such as signal pedestrian foundations (to support RRFB type crossings), ADA ramps, miscellaneous sidewalk panels, signal related work, lighting.
Due Date: 01/09/2025 at 2PM
Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Concrete Construction
Scope of work includes (all-inclusive contract with concrete, markings, signage, but serving specific types of small scale work, as listed below) to serve the various programmatic needs for construction of: Signal Systemic Safety treatments such backplates, pedestrian hybrid beacons, upgrade push buttons with audio pedestrian signs (APS) and associated ADA curb ramp, sidewalk and shared used paths, crossing islands + signage + markings, + ADA ramps + markings, miscellaneous concrete work such as signal pedestrian foundations (to support RRFB type crossings), ADA ramps, miscellaneous sidewalk panels, signal related work, lighting.
IFB 6100 CLMC1067
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Scope of work includes (all-inclusive contract with concrete, markings, signage, but serving specific types of small scale work, as listed below) to serve the various programmatic needs for construction of: Signal Systemic Safety treatments such backplates, pedestrian hybrid beacons, upgrade push buttons with audio pedestrian signs (APS) and associated ADA curb ramp, sidewalk and shared used paths, crossing islands + signage + markings, + ADA ramps + markings, miscellaneous concrete work such as signal pedestrian foundations (to support RRFB type crossings), ADA ramps, miscellaneous sidewalk panels, signal related work, lighting.
Due Date: 01/09/2025 at 2PM
Safe Streets And Roads For All (Ss4a) Construction IDIQ
Scope of work includes (all-inclusive contract with concrete, markings, signage, but serving specific types of small scale work, as listed below) to serve the various programmatic needs for construction of: Signal Systemic Safety treatments such backplates, pedestrian hybrid beacons, upgrade push buttons with audio pedestrian signs (APS) and associated ADA curb ramp, sidewalk and shared used paths, crossing islands + signage + markings, + ADA ramps + markings, miscellaneous concrete work such as signal pedestrian foundations (to support RRFB type crossings), ADA ramps, miscellaneous sidewalk panels, signal related work, lighting.
IFB 6100 CLMC743A
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Water and wastewater system upgrades in the area generally bound by MoPac (Loop 1) on the west, Greenlawn on the north, Burnet Road on the east, and Allandale on the south. The system upgrades will replace aging infrastructure. The water system replacements will include approximately 8290 linear feet of water lines in Polygon 225, Sub-area A. The wastewater upgrades include replacement of 1,644 LF of pipe, lining of 321 LF, 3,044 spot repairs, and 32 additional manholes.
Due Date: 01/09/2025 at 2PM
E. Allandale White Rock Neighbrhd W&WW System Renewal Rebid
Water and wastewater system upgrades in the area generally bound by MoPac (Loop 1) on the west, Greenlawn on the north, Burnet Road on the east, and Allandale on the south. The system upgrades will replace aging infrastructure. The water system replacements will include approximately 8290 linear feet of water lines in Polygon 225, Sub-area A. The wastewater upgrades include replacement of 1,644 LF of pipe, lining of 321 LF, 3,044 spot repairs, and 32 additional manholes.
IFB 6100 CLMC930
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The Work consists of expansion of an existing 4-lane divided roadway to 6-lane divided from Mopac to Brodie Lane; Drainage improvements including storm water detention and water quality structures; shared-use paths, intersection improvements at Brodie Lane, technology upgrades to existing signals. Project Segment: SLGT-C2
Due Date: 01/09/2025 at 2PM
Slaughter Lane- Loop 1 to Brodie Lane- CAMPO
The Work consists of expansion of an existing 4-lane divided roadway to 6-lane divided from Mopac to Brodie Lane; Drainage improvements including storm water detention and water quality structures; shared-use paths, intersection improvements at Brodie Lane, technology upgrades to existing signals. Project Segment: SLGT-C2
CSP 6100 CLMB343
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This project scope includes installation of approximately 8,500 LF of 72-inch water transmission main from the Austin Water – Jollyville Reservoir site to the existing downstream connection point, located in McNeil Drive near Parmer Lane. This water pipeline is necessary to eliminate the distribution constraint that exists between the Handcox Water Treatment Plant and Martin Hill Reservoir. This project is located within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, therefore, karst monitoring, reporting, and mitigation requirements are included in the Contract Documents.
Due Date: 01/30/2025 at 2PM
McNeil Drive Water Transmission Main
This project scope includes installation of approximately 8,500 LF of 72-inch water transmission main from the Austin Water – Jollyville Reservoir site to the existing downstream connection point, located in McNeil Drive near Parmer Lane. This water pipeline is necessary to eliminate the distribution constraint that exists between the Handcox Water Treatment Plant and Martin Hill Reservoir. This project is located within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, therefore, karst monitoring, reporting, and mitigation requirements are included in the Contract Documents.
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