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Update to Offer Submission

All offers for City of Austin solicitations must be submitted electronically via eResponse.
List of Active Solicitations
 eResponse Instructions
IFB 5000 CSH1034  View Details
Due Date: 07/29/2024 at 2PM
Provide regularly scheduled maintenance and repairs of fitness equipment onsite at the various City of Austin buildings.
IFB 2200 BYS1031  View Details
Due Date: 07/30/2024 at 2PM
Flexible Road Base
The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor(s) to provide flexible base material. The flexible base shall be utilized to repair excavations on City streets and provide concrete slab foundations.
IFB 6200 CSH1031  View Details
Due Date: 07/30/2024 at 2PM
Concrete Buttons
Provide concrete buttons, tactile indicators that are commonly installed on pedestrian pathways and public spaces to assist visually impaired individuals in navigating their surroundings safely.
IFB 8100 CWB1022  View Details
Due Date: 07/30/2024 at 2PM
Shared Use Products and Services for AUS
Shared Use Equipment, Equipment, Supplies, Parts & Services
RFP 1100 PAB3015  View Details
Due Date: 07/30/2024 at 2PM
Electric Meter Purchase and Associated Services
Supply electric meters for use by Austin Energy throughout their service area. Other services include but are not limited to, training, technical support, and return authorization management.
RFP 8300 EAB3000  View Details
Due Date: 07/30/2024 at 2PM
Bunker Gear Cleaning and Repair Services
The City of Austin seeks qualified Contractors to provide maintenance and repair services of firefighter bunker gear (structural and proximity protective gear) for the Austin Fire Department.
RFQS 5000 JOG4006  View Details
Due Date: 07/30/2024 at 2PM
Hearing Officer Services
The Contractor(s) shall provide hearing officer services on an as needed basis for various City departments excluding Austin Energy (AE) and Austin Water (AW). The AE and AW department have a separate contract for services. Hearing officer services shall be based on applicable City ordinances, codes, regulations, department guidelines and relevant documented facts and include but are not limited to conducting administrative hearings and overseeing regularly scheduled appeal hearings; administering oaths; and rendering written rulings, orders, findings, and determinations in accordance with the protocols specified in the SOW.
IFQ 1100 CPG1007  View Details
Due Date: 07/31/2024 at 2PM
IFQ 1100 CPG1007
IFQ 1100 CPG1008  View Details
Due Date: 07/31/2024 at 2PM
IFQ 1100 CPG1008
IFB 5000 MLJ1023  View Details
Due Date: 08/01/2024 at 2PM
To provide kitchen equipment maintenance and repair
To provide kitchen equipment maintenance and repair for all City departments at various locations.
IFB 8700 BPS1016  View Details
Due Date: 08/01/2024 at 2PM
GPS Tracking & Monitoring Services for Organized
The purpose of this contract is to purchase Global Positioning System (GPS) Tracking devices, replacement devices, and monitoring services for the Austin Police Department.
IFQ 9100 DJD1004  View Details
Due Date: 08/01/2024 at 4PM
WIC Community Meal Kits
Provide food for the Women, Infants & Children (WIC) food access project “Nutrition on the Go”
IFQ 4400 PC1012  View Details
Due Date: 08/01/2024 at 12PM
2024 Food Waste Innovation Grant
Applicants will propose a food waste innovation project that will improve prevention, rescue, repurposing, or capture of food and prevent it from going to the landfill.
IFQ 8700 JG1020  View Details
Due Date: 08/02/2024 at 2PM
Catering for Fall/Spring 2024/2025 CPA Classes
Catering for Fall/Spring 2024/2025 Community Police Academy (CPA) Classes
IFQ 8700 JXS1015  View Details
Due Date: 08/06/2024 at 3PM
Force on Force Simunition Rounds for the Austin Police Department
The purpose of this contract is for a one-time purchase of Force on Force Simunition Rounds to be used by the Austin Police Department at 4800 Shaw Ln., Austin TX 78744.
CSP 6100 CLMB345  View Details
Due Date: 08/08/2024 at 2PM
Decker Power Plant - Dam Upgrades Reissue
Decker Dam requires gate replacements and trunnion anchorage improvements. The Work consists of the fabrication and installation of two (2) new spillway tainter (radial) gates as well as the removal and disposal of the existing spillway gates. Additional items include: fabrication and installation of new spillway tainter gate hoists, installation of new post-tensioning anchors and high-strength concrete panels, concrete slab repair, and stoplog seal replacement. The lake level will be lowered in March 2024 to reduce load on the gates and trunnion anchorage until this construction scope is completed. Dam experts have advised that this interim risk reduction measure will extend the life of the currently installed equipment by an additional 3-5 years.
IFB 2200 RBB1004  View Details
Due Date: 08/08/2024 at 2PM
Water Meters and Parts
This contract is for various types of water meters and associated repair parts to be purchased and sold through Austin Water's Central Stores/Warehouse for use in making repairs and new construction installations.
IFB 6100 CLMC1049  View Details
Due Date: 08/08/2024 at 2PM
6th Street Chilled Water Transmission Line Extension
Use microtunneling technique to Install 24" chilled water pipe along 6th St from east of Congress Ave to San Antonio St.
IFB 6100 CLMC1060  View Details
Due Date: 08/08/2024 at 2PM
NW Area Lift Station Imprmts: Boulder Lane Lift Station
Flows at Boulder Lane have exceeded the design capacity, and it is at risk of wet weather overflows. This project will increase the firm capacity and address operations and maintenance concerns as identified by the Northwest Lift Station Study.
RFI 1100 TLG6002  View Details
Due Date: 08/08/2024 at 2PM
Application Life Cycle Management (ALM) Tool
The Austin Energy Department (AE) with the City of Austin seeks information on commercially available ALM/Source Code Management tools to be used in the Austin Energy Information Technology division. The Austin Energy Information Technology division has identified a need for a robust Application Lifecycle Management that is an on-premise application (workstation or server) but is open to SaaS alternatives that will ensure application life cycle management.
IFB 1500 RGW1023  View Details
Due Date: 08/13/2024 at 2PM
Compost Processing Services
The City of Austin seeks to establish a contract with qualified Contractor(s) to provide complete processing, sorting, and composting of organics, yard waste, food scraps, and food/oil-soiled compostable paper (“Compost Materials”), as well as marketing services to include detailed data reporting to support the City’s residential curbside compost materials collection services (“Services”).
RFP 9100 RGW3000  View Details
Due Date: 08/13/2024 at 2PM
Austin Public Health Marketing Services
The City of Austin (hereinafter referred to as the "City") seeks to establish a contract with qualified Contractor(s) to provide comprehensive advertising and marketing services for the Austin Public Health department.
RFP 5000 PLS3010  View Details
Due Date: 08/15/2024 at 2PM
Enterprise Case Management (ECM) Solution
Comprehensive Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Enterprise Case Management (ECM) solution for licensing, permitting, inspections, and enforcement.
IFB 8300 CSH1035  View Details
Due Date: 08/20/2024 at 2PM
Fire station kitchen supplies.
The City of Austin (City) seeks to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor to provide kitchen equipment to fire stations throughout the City.
CSP 6100 CLMB334A  View Details
Due Date: 08/22/2024 at 2PM
Elisabet Ney Museum Bldg Restoration & Site Improv Reissue
The Work consists of restoration and weatherization of doors and windows at Elisabet Ney Museum to resolve water and air penetration through the building envelope and interior air quality issues. Removal of existing footbridge and installation of prefabricated pedestrian and bicycle bridge over Waller Creek to provide safe and accessible route from museum to lodge. Includes additional exterior site lighting for security purposes, site pavement improvements, and other Work indicated in the Contract Documents.
IFB 6100 CLMC1054  View Details
Due Date: 08/22/2024 at 2PM
Old Enfield Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal
The Work consists of furnishing all tools, labor, materials, equipment, and miscellaneous items necessary for the complete construction of approximately 1,670 linear feet of 8-inch water main, 1,970 linear feet of 12-inch water main, and 6,600 linear feet of 8-inch wastewater main and appurtenances.
IFB 6100 CLMC1056  View Details
Due Date: 08/22/2024 at 2PM
The Work consists of an approximate 1400 linear foot horizontal directional bore under Lady Bird Lake for the installation of a 36 inch outside diameter high density polyethylene casing pipe with 12 – 3 inch HDPE carrier pipe, including 2 electrical manholes, electrical duct bank and other incidental construction. Electrical conductors will be provided and installed by Austin Energy.
IFB 6100 CLMC1058  View Details
Due Date: 08/22/2024 at 2PM
SH71 @ US183 Interchange TXDOT Relocation AW & WW Transmissi
The Work consists of furnishing all tools, labor, materials, equipment, and miscellaneous items necessary for the complete construction of approximately 2,709 linear feet of 24-inch water main and appurtenances and approximately 2,742 linear feet of 24-inch wastewater main and appurtenances.
IFB 8600 PAT1065REBID  View Details
Due Date: 08/27/2024 at 2PM
PARD Natural Areas Vegetation Management
The City of Austin seeks to establish a contract with a qualified vendor or vendors to provide vegetation management services at various locations of Parks and Recreation Department natural areas.
RFQS 6100 CLMP377  View Details
Due Date: 08/28/2024 at 2PM
2024 Large Scale W&WW Pipeline Eng. Services RL
Our current 2022 large diameter pipeline rotation is 11 firms. We are currently in the need of a new large scale pipeline rotation list. We plan to continue with 11 firms and the amount of authorization is slightly being increased to due increased costs we are seeing for engineering work and other items.
IFB 6100 CLMC1064  View Details
Due Date: 09/05/2024 at 2PM
Givens District Park -- Recreation Center Renovation
Replacement of flat membrane roof and four HVAC units, in addition to other items identified in the recently completed facility assessment.
Important Notices
The No Lobbying List contains solicitations issued by Central Procurement and all other delegated authorities.
All Vendors must now register with the City of Austin before they submit a bid or proposal. Please take the time to read the information in the Conflict of Interest Disclosure: http://www.austintexas.gov/department/conflict-interest-questionnaire.
City of Austin employees may not accept any gifts from vendors. Please do not offer or provide gifts or favors to City employees or to City offices. This includes paying for meals.