Hotel and Short Term Rentals
Sign in here to file and pay your Hotel Occupancy Taxes or Operating License. Sign In
How do I know if I have an account?
If you have previously filed and paid Hotel Occupancy Tax with the City, you have an account. If you are uncertain of your username you can retrieve it here.
How do I know if I need an account?
If your property is in Austin’s Full Purpose Jurisdiction you need an account. You can check your property jurisdiction here:
Found out you need an account? Create an account to start the registration process.
A person owning, operating, managing, or controlling a hotel or short-term rental or collecting payment for occupancy of a hotel room or short-term rental shall collect and remit the Hotel Occupancy Tax to the City.
A platform who collects payment for occupancy of a short-term rental shall collect and remit the Hotel Occupancy Tax to the City on behalf of short-term rental operators who use the platform.
Hotel means a building in which members of the public may obtain sleeping accommodations for consideration. The term includes a hotel, motel, tourist home, tourist house, tourist court, lodging house, inn, rooming house, or other building where a room is furnished for a consideration, but does include a hospital, sanitarium, or nursing home.
Short-term rental means the rental of a housing unit or a portion of a housing unit for periods of less than 30 consecutive days. This term does not include an extension for less than 30 consecutive days of a previously existing rental agreement of 30 consecutive days or more or a rental between the parties to the sale of that housing unit.
A platform means a person that facilitates booking of short-term rentals and accepts payments on behalf of a short-term rental operator.
Source: 1992 Code Section 5-3-1:Ord, 031204-10; Ord. 031211-11
Only properties in Austin’s Full Purpose Jurisdiction should collect the City of Austin’s Hotel Occupancy Tax. Check the property jurisdiction here:
The revenue derived from the Hotel Occupancy Tax is used to promote tourism and the convention and hotel industry in Austin.
No person may operate a boarding house, hotel, rooming house, short-term rental, or bed and breakfast establishment unless a license for the operation, in the name of the owner or operator and for the specific dwelling unit, partial unit, accessory unit, building, structure, or property used, has been issued by the code official and is currently valid and in good standing.
Ordinance 20130926-144 Chapter 13-1302
Properties in Austin’s Full Purpose Jurisdiction and in Limited Purpose Jurisdiction require an operating license. Check the property jurisdiction here: All properties in the Austin Full Purpose Jurisdiction will be able to register and renew their operating license on this website. All others will need to contact DSD Code Compliance at 311 or visit their offices at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, TX 78752.

3-1-1 (Phone)
Licensing and Registration
512-974-9144 (Phone) (Email)
Mailing Address
City of Austin - DSD Code Compliance
Attn: Finance - Licensing and Registration
PO Box 1088
Austin, TX 78767
Physical Location
6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr.
Austin, TX 78752
Licensing and Registration Office Hours
8:00am to 3:00pm (Monday-Friday)

Accounting & Financial Reporting
(512) 974-2590 (Phone)
Send Email
Contact Information
(512) 974-2600 (Phone)
Mailing Address
City of Austin
PO Box 2920
Austin, TX 78768-2920
Physical Location
124 W. 8th St.
Ste. 125.2
Austin, TX 78701
Open Hours
7:45am to 4:45pm (Monday - Friday)